Why Should You Join The Chamber?
Membership in your local Chamber of Commerce provides an effective means of communication for all persons concerned with the social and economic development of the county. It also provides an opportunity to network with fellow business people to discuss local concerns at the monthly membership lunch. You will receive a weekly newsletter – “The Chambergram” – which announces upcoming events and other pertinent news.
Members have an avenue to low cost, highly visible, advertising on the Chamber Website. The Chamber office refers incoming calls about products and services to its members. The Chamber offers monthly presenters at its membership meetings that provide helpful information about the latest legislation and innovation affecting business. The Chamber offers access to new markets through networking. Being a member of the Chamber says that your business supports the community which adds credibility to the business’ ethical reputation. There is an opportunity to advertise your business at all Chamber sponsored events. The Chamber of Commerce offers its meeting room, free of charge, to all members for their use. The chamber offers a great deal of current information published about activities at the State House and at the federal level.
Our last area of focus is our local businesses. We want to be an advocate for our businesses as they are the heartbeat of our community. We will partner with government, private and civic organizations to gain the most up to date information available to better the life of the citizens of Clay County, Indiana.
Effective means of communication for all persons
concerned with social and economic development of Clay County
Opportunities to network with fellow Clay County
business people to discuss local business and industry
Convenient way to stay informed with local
economic factors that would impact your business and profession
Receive up-to-date information regarding local,
state, or federal government affairs
Access to Chamber membership list
Access to submit items to include in weekly
“Chamber Member Only” access to certain website
Advertising opportunities for your business on
Chamber website and special events
Opportunities for you to support your local
Opportunities to gain knowledge about Clay
County demographics
Monthly calendar of Chamber sponsored events or
events in which the Chamber will participate
Access to Chamber’s meeting room
New Chamber of Commerce member – As an added benefit for joining the Clay County Chamber of Commerce the Brazil Times offers new chamber members a 25% discount on your advertising following a ribbon cutting as well as a 35% discount on an annual subscription. The Brazil Times will sit down with you at no cost and explain its services and also put together an advertising campaign that will help your business grow.
Membership meetings – Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday each month (except July and December) from 12:00 – 1:00 at the YMCA of Clay County, located at 225 E Kruzan St, Brazil, IN 47834.